America: Becoming Russia’s Banana Republic

RF Schatten
5 min readDec 29, 2016


“Corruption is worse than Prostitution. The latter might endanger the Morals of an Individual, the former invariably endangers the Morals of the Entire Country” ~~~ Karl Kraus

I don’t need to define “Corruption”…if you don’t see it, you have some serious problems my friend!…or maybe, just in denial of a man named Trump?

Those who always complain about Corruption in Government, have never known how good we’ve had it all along! Now America will take a good dark long look at what the rest of the world already knows….what “Real Political Corruption”, really is all about!!!

You’ll never get rid of corruption in government, never!!…power corrupts! In our delicate “Democracy”, it started when George Washington said; “I never told a Lie”! Every single political movement and philosophy since the start of human civilization corrupts itself when they obtain power…but, corruption to the degree expected? Not in this country!…travel outside the States, and see for yourself!

American Society has been in a virtual state of Perpetual Ignorance, seeing through Rose-coloured Glasses for way too long! While increasing, refining, and tweaking our Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnical, and Multi-Racial Society…America has remained too complacent, subconsciously thinking everything always going to turn out alright.

Meanwhile, the Far Right Fringes of our Society has been for years cultivating suppressed hate, continuously “preparing themselves” for that “Fate” to arrive, that one entity which will reawaken the fire in the belly of a stagnant sector…hibernating for years, with their cries of Racism and Bigotry…Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, became White Nationalist America’s “Fate”.

The rise of White Supremacy as a popular movement among the “New” Republican Party is not that unusual, not since the GOP sold their shameless souls to Donald Trump, Vlad Putin, and Steve Bannen.

With a power hungry Anti-Semitic, Pro-Fascist, White Supremacist running Trump’s mind at one end, and Vladimir Putin getting anything he wants out of his Puppet at the other end, nothing good will ever come out of this.

Add Reince Priebus and his Koch Industry Proxy to this political Ménage á Trois…and you got a full blown orgy of public Immorality, Indecency, Psychopaths, Pedophiles, Sexual Abusers, Misogynists, Deviates, Black Mailers, Degenerates, Scam Artists, Habitual Liars, and good old fashioned Crooks!!

We’ve had conflicts of interests right and left, blind trusts that are not blind trusts, Trump’s call with the President of Argentina…a friend, whose father was an old Trump joint venture partner…and asked a favor to restore the construction permits for his Hotel in Buenos Aires. Permits, which were removed for not paying the construction workers, not paying his creditors…and really cheap shoddy work. Oh, he got them, alright! Was he being Presidential? Or using his newly found presidential power of intimidation to get what he wants?

That’s the problem!…America elected a greedy, insecure, & horny lecherous old bastard as President who could care less about Conflicts of Interests or the Rules of Law! And as President he’ll find a way to abuse all the laws, cause…he is, who he is!!

Conflicts of Interests are everywhere he turns…but refuses to ever do anything about it. He also continues a $900+ Million Dollar Conflict of Interest “Debt” with Germany and Deutsche Bank, still has a Debt of $650 Million with China, and how much does he owe Russia?…a good reason for blackmail, after Russia cultivated him for over 5 years. He still refuses to reveal his Taxes and has never seriously addressed the Nation as President-elect, on the issue of the Trump/Russia Scandal…in fact, he continues to be an apologist for Russia and Putin over our own CIA, NSA, FBI, all 17 US Security Agencies’ Intelligence!!! while Priebus…his Chief of Staff…’refused to deny’ that Trump Coordinated or Communicated with Russia during the campaign. What a sorry group! And what an unbelievably insensitive and unpatriotic SOB has America chosen to lead the United States and the Free World!!

Corruption in the Trump Administration already started!…and they haven’t even taken power yet! It starts with a Degenerate and Dysfunctional family that goes far beyond how Degenerates comport themselves. Want to buy access to the Trump Clan? For the right price, you too can have Coffee with Ivanka Trump…”I’d love to treat you to Coffee here at Campaign Headquarters at Trump Tower”! auctioning herself off for “Charity”…naturally, through the Trump Foundation, raising money for a worthy Charity…themselves!! The same Foundation all the Trumps use to pay off all their personal Debts and Court Settlements, with.

The Trump Boys? $1 million dollars, buys you a chance to be a great poacher and hunt with “The Boys”. Yea! you know?…go hunting for all the Endangered Species of Wild Animals in the World…be part of their infamous illegal hunts, and capture those “Trophies” too! Pictures? That’s an extra charge…for their “Charity”, of course! For a measly $25K you can shoot a Wild Turkey, instead! And for $1 Million Dollars per…Drum Roll, please!…they seriously arranged (without the Trumpster’s knowledge) a “Private” meeting and reception with Good Old Dad!!!!!

American Neo-Nazis believe Trump is the “Heralded Savior of the White Race”…1,094 Hate Crimes towards African-Americans, Muslims, and the LGBT community, perpetrated in a month ever since Trump won…1/3 of all those, Trump’s name was highly mentioned.

Now, Laura Ingraham and her enthusiastic Hitler “Sieg Heil” salute, appears as the front-runner for the Press Secretary job…or better known in a Fascist Trump Administration, as Minister of Disinformation!

With a certifiable Trump ‘Lie’ Policy, set in place in the White House…who cares what the new Press Secretary has to say? It’s all part of the White House’s ploy, anyhow…a policy of Disinformation and Misinformation!

A Cabinet of Billionaires carefully picked…whether experienced for the post or not… for the Cabinet “Position” that would greatly benefit their financial concerns, the most. Do they ever care about the rest of the country?…why should they start now??

Ahhyup! No one has ever seen Cronyism in this country, the way it really is in a true Kleptocracy!!

America has never experienced, that type of experience!…never! never! never! You gotta go with a scumbag deceitful shyster as a President, at least once in a lifetime…and experience how to live and feel a 3rd World’s feelings’ of hopelessness and despair, and experience a 3rd World Autocrat’s relationship to ‘their’ people!…nope, never before!

As Michelle Obama said; “Many Americans now know how it feels not to have Hope”…just ask those around you who’ve lived, migrated, or escaped from Countries like that!

The destruction of a Society starts with the corruption and exploitation of an ignorant and cynical population, where Demagogues, Charlatans, and modern day Con Artists flourish like fungus in a chaotic world…and where control of total power becomes paramount in the formation of an Authoritarian State. If nothing is seriously done about it, America ‘will’ become Russia’s Banana Republic!…just another 3rd World Country run by ‘open’ public corruption, fear, hypocrisy, suppression, extortion, and graft…and dictated by coward Political Puppets, as they give all the aid & comfort to their Foreign Government benefactors, while a Nation’s Sovereignty goes down the toilet!

Is America becoming our own Banana Republic? With a Fascist Administration taking control? You can call it “Karma” if you wish, but yes! on Jan. 20th, the “American Fruit Company” and all its non-ethical standards, will be rebranding itself as the “Russian Fruit Company”.

Hey! There’s no crying in politics! We, the People elected this orange bozo buffoon…so We, the People gotta put up with the total insanity that’s headed just around the corner, for 4 long years…and live with it!

And the reaction in the rest of the “Free World” on the leader who’ll keep them Safe and Free? All that I can say is; lots and lots of pissed-off and angry middle fingers, all sticking way up in the air and all aimed at the U.S.!! A hint of things to come???



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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