America’s Entrance into the Age of Idiocracy
Has anyone ever had an awful nightmare, and suddenly wake up in a cold sweat and realize you weren’t dreaming after all?…how many felt like that, waking up the morning after? Yes, it’s no dream!!…America appears to have entered into the Age of Idiocracy.
We, the People…the good USofA!…have unwillingly become part of a true live Reality TV Election Show, set in a world slowly morphing itself into a ménage of virtual online Internets with its Truths, its Fallacies, the never ending Gossips and Rumors…and all its false innuendos…with a growing influential Twitter CyberWorld, all mixed into an American Society with the most diverse Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial, and Multi-Faith demographics all-time in US History.
Those factors, with its wide connectivity of Social Media…the Internet, TV, and Mobile…along with the rest of the world’s, we truly have become a “Global Village”! As the Country evolves, the American mind has progressed beyond its Status Quo rooted views and values, and more towards the different Global views of life…plus all the alternative ways on how to live your own life. All the Knowledge and Alternative Lifestyles in today’s open world are available to you!…so take advantage before it’s all taken away!
Wait! our Rights are taken away? Remember, you are dealing with Donald Trump, his Anti-Semitic and Neo-Fascist following, and the Extreme Far Right’s White Nationalism in the Oval Office. Steve Bannon’s pick as Trump’s Chief Strategist and Advisor was made for a reason! The Far Right’s systematic agenda of capturing Authoritarian Rule by using the draconian Politics of Hate, Fear, Bigotry, and Racism to accomplish their means. Trump’s horseshit “Wall” tales? Ask any Berliner! just remember; Walls are built, not to keep People out!…but to keep people in!!
America has become a true living Reality Show…like The Kardashians and The Apprentice, with all the sleaze, the tackiness, and the false reality of so-called “Reality”shows. Political Service has become a ‘rating spectacle’, where Political Correctness, Respect, and Decorum has been replaced with indecent remarks, public disrespect of opponents and constituencies , and an extreme overabundance of insults and mockery…especially, mocking the Disabled. Trump has offended millions of every ethnic culture, every race, every lifestyle…and his total lack of compassion and respect for our Men and Women in the military, serving in harm’s way…and our retired Veterans, as well…has been well documented.
It doesn’t matter how many pathological lies the American Populace has to listen and endure the next 4 years, how much shoving the blame or passing the buck on others…it really doesn’t matter! And all the vulgarity? all the insults? the public disrespect?…the indignities cast upon American Citizens, personally orchestrated by The Donald, himself?…it doesn’t matter! It really doesn’t matter how much of an arrogant, self-serving narcissistic thin-skinned braggart, the President-Elect happens to be! Get over it! He’s still going to be the 45th President of the United States, regardless how much you feel about it!!
But, be patient, America!…we are dealing with a childish 70 yr. old man whose Twitter Toy was taken away from him…this well noted temperamental adult cry-baby, will be for better or for worse, the future Leader of the Free World! And will have (God help us!) control of his newest play toys…the Red Button and its Launch Codes…at the tip of his tiny little fingers.
A funny thing happened on the way to 270! Donald Trump’s facial expressions didn’t seem to appreciate that happy feeling of the moment, when a man or woman finds out they just got elected President…more like an unexpected surprise in his look…like; “Oops, I won?…oh, oh, what the hell did I get into now? and what in the world am I going to do?!?!
The long and winding Road to 270 had its share of detours, and at the finish line, the big questions that arose about Election Night were: “Why did He win? and why did She lose? ‘That’ can be debated till hell freezes over. At the end, in a tight race…Clinton won the Popular Vote and lost the Electoral Vote on shitty campaign errors and a lousy ground game, pushing Trump over the finish line to a small “non-mandated” Victory. The Rural Vote and especially Western Pennsylvania will never be forgotten by the Donkeys next time around!…and also, much more attention has to be made to White Non-College Educated Blue Collar families.
Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump? He could have beaten any other Republican…but, when Trump went into full Hatemonger mode, the fear, the hatred, and a very Fascist Race/Ethnic baiting…you knew Bernie was going to make Trump’s List.
In today’s American Idiocracy, not too many people really understand the difference of Socialism from Communism or any other “isms” for that matter. The “Socialists” & “Communists” tags have become part of Red, White, and Blue Americana! Political Attacks calling your opponent a “Commie” or a “Socialist” becomes a very very loud sound-byte in a Country that’s already divided and angered, along with the bigoted reawakening of Anti-Semitic White Fascist Nationalism. On the average, throughout History, America has always tended to lean much more to the Right than to the Left…and that fact, along with Trump’s victory…unfortunately, is not going to change in the near future.
We were about 4 years away…but with the setback, it’ll probably be 8–10 more years before America accepts Socialism, Democratic Socialism, or in whatever other forms…but, definitely not now, not with the resurgence of very loud White Nationalists.
In my previous post, written 2 days before Election Day; “America’s Prohibitive Costs of a Trump Presidency”, win or lose, I said to Democrats; “Don’t sit around whining, crying, and disillusioned about failed systems and that your candidates lost!!! You’re not any different than any other generation!..politics is no different now than it has ever been…if you want to get involved, you play by the rules till you gain enough strength within the Party and then change the rules”!!
You have to win to gain the power to make those major changes you desperately want…casting a Protest Vote is like kissing your own sister, absolutely nothing happens! Ok, now what?!?!
It’s a fine and highly honorable act, but pragmatically, what’s the stark reality? You’ll never accomplish much of anything you want by casting symbolic votes…cause, unless your Party is the Party in Power, and hopefully holds a Majority…you’ll never be able to achieve the legislative agenda for any of your goals!
I also said: “With all due respect, the exact truth of the matter is that neither the 3rd or 4th Party Candidates…or Evan McMullin…are gonna get the Electoral Votes needed to win, and if your conscience and morals still dictate a protest vote?…what Prohibitive Costs will America have to incur with the likes of Trump and White Fascist Nationalism inside a very ‘White’ House?”
Our next President’s agenda includes the tearing down of everything the Democrats built and worked for in the last 50 or 60 years, and now the GOP will have the control a partisan-packed Supreme Court for the next 20–30 years, where all Republican Agendas will get an automatic nod to pass or not pass, depending what our new Führer’s wishes are. Vestiges of the German Courts during the 30s and 40s?
Women Rights? Civil Rights? Human Rights?…definitely! ‘not’ in a Fascist Koch Ruling Class Plutocracy! Do Republicans vote their Conscience? Not necessarily! In all my life, in every single Election I’ve ever seen…if the GOP has a chance to gain control of an Administration, Republicans never have a problem with ‘their’ moral conscience. Democrat’s famous lack of cojones, again cost them another Election…the Conscientious moral vote? What was the gain? Both 3rd and 4th Party Candidates will likely never be heard of, again…nothing changes, except your fading chance of getting your Bill passed…just like kissing your sister, right.?!?!
We, the People, made our choice…and now we got to live with it! Doesn’t matter who voted for him or not…Trump, very much sooner than later, will experience the shocking ‘reality’ of life as a Politico…when his own voters’ backlash kicks his big royal ego in his golden derriere.
Maybe the 1st President-elect ever, that has 2 major Court appearances due, after getting elected…one for Multiple Fraud charges involving Trump University, and another one on a Statutory Rape Charge of a 13 year old Girl…and, 75 other cases involving his usual Non-payment lawsuits, all before the end of the year…before he even officially becomes President of the United States on Jan. 20th, 2017. What happens if he’s found Guilty? Oh, well! it’s going to be 4 wild years of Trumpism and Reality TV America!
It’s not as if America is going to put up with 4 years of comedy sketches and jokes about “The Trumpster…Celebrity Apprentice President”. It’s more like, can America survive 4 years of extremely Prohibitive Costs, all at the American taxpayers’ expense, compliments of the antics of President Drumpf?