America’s Prohibitive Costs of a Trump Presidency

RF Schatten
5 min readNov 7, 2016


“Idealism is fine, but as it approaches Reality, the costs become prohibitive” ~~~ William F. Buckley, Jr.

The sweet inspiration of youth’s Romantic Idealism…voting your Conscience is an extremely honorable Idealistic act…but not always necessarily, the right act. More often than none, that passion for youthful Idealism will turn around and slap you right in the kisser…and bite you where the sun doesn’t shine! Welcome to Reality!!

The 2016 Election…like no other in the history of the United States…are upon us, and it’ll be etched in stone. Nothing like this Clown Show has ever been seen in the annals of US Presidential Elections! Actually, at this point in our lives…and of the general elections…we’re way beyond a sane description.

I’ve been an Idealist all my life. But you learn very quickly through the years, through your own experiences…whether they’re good or bad experiences…you learn what a famous ballad of my generation wisely says; “You can’t always get what you want”! So life becomes a careful balancing act between keeping your Ideals and your Sanity, and sensibly living in the Reality of this world.
You learn to become much more pragmatic, use common sense, and learn the art of the compromise. If you seriously want to make those changes you want so badly, you have work in the system with your adversary and your allies jointly, and convince them along with their respective communities, of your views.
We’ve been a Nation for 240 years because we’ve been able to be civilized and compromise with each other…without Bi-Partisanship, we probably wouldn’t be here today…our Democracy has remained strong, because We, The People have made sure it remains strong. And always ready to fight anyone who might challenge it!

Movements usually die via lack of enthusiasm. Everyone is always all gung-ho at the moment, but after the elections fade away, most populace movements become disorganized and disintegrate through time. If you want your movement to work, whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent…get involved! You got to stay involved, not just during Election season, but throughout the year. Speaking to my fellow Democrats…If you want to change the Democratic Party?…do it!
Don’t sit around whining, crying, and disillusioned about failed systems and that your candidates lost!!! You’re not any different than any other generation!..politics is no different now than it has ever been…if you want to get involved, you play by the rules till you gain enough strength within the Party and then change the rules!!
Like Bernie Sanders said; to preserve the movement you gotta mobilize, become civic minded, run for office and work your way through School Boards, City, and State Offices, then Washington…while all along, keeping the flames of the movement alive.

So why is Bernie working now to get Hillary Clinton Elected? Probably cause it’s called “Democracy”. It’s his moral responsibility as a gentleman (and, as a soon to be Registered Democrat) to traditionally campaign for his former opponent and help him or her defeat the Republican Party! That’s the way the GOP works, too…but! not this year…not with El Trumpo around!

How many people that support Bernie Sanders and his movement will vote for Clinton? If they follow Bernie, and if they truly believe in Bernie, the most conscientious and respectful thing to do is respectfully follow his wishes and endorsements! At least you have Bernie!…he’s not going to lead you wrong!
When Bobby was murdered, Idealists made the mistake of voting their conscience, after their newfound “hero” who would carry-on RFK’s mantle, lost in Chicago. Eugene McCarthy? vanished from the history pages after 1968!…in return, we were rewarded with Dick Nixon and a full blown Vietnam.
Again in 2000, voting our conscience rewarded America with George Dubya, his hunt for Bin Laden in Afghanistan and his hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction…and Oil contracts…in Iraq. Also, he rewarded us with his Economic Plan of cutting Taxes across the board, while initiating 2 Wars and causing a major Recession!…no! it’s not worth commenting about it anymore!

With all due respect, the exact truth of the matter is that neither the 3rd or 4th Party Candidates…or Evan McMullin…are gonna get the Electoral Votes needed to win, and if your conscience and morals still dictate a protest vote?…what prohibitive costs will America have to incur with the likes of Trump and White Fascist Nationalism inside a very ‘White’ House?

Oprah said it best; “Do you like Democracy or do you want a Demagogue”? That pretty much wraps it all up about this Election!…the vile demagoguery of a closet racist and xenophobe who openly admires Fascism and Authoritarian rule, and is an ardent reader of Mein Kampf. He also believes in breaking off with NATO and joining Putin against our allies!
This indecent degenerate of a human being is a person who truly is, ‘challenging’ our Democracy! A true serious situation, folks! How is he a danger to our Democracy and American Society? Let me count the ways. Let’s start with our Supreme Court: His promise for sleeping with Fundamentalists? abolishing Roe v. Wade. ‘His’ appointment picks of at least 3 Justices in the next 4 years will be giving his base an All Conservative Court that will agree with Heir Drumpf on every case….anyone read “Judgement at Nuremberg” lately?
Of course. how can we forget his obsession in repealing the 19th Amendment?…hey! what can I say, he’s just not very User-Friendly with the opposite sex!…and how about his thoughts for shutting down our Freedom of the Press? Or about the total destruction of our economy…and the rest of the world’s…by using his natural business acumen?
And of course, his shallow skin temperament in command of our Military? Finally, let’s just end this with “everything he always wanted to know about, but never cared a damn to ask”; Foreign Affairs!

Meanwhile, you have an Adult who actually acts like an adult, a respectful professional with both, the public, and well noted by her loyal opposition…and carries one serious Political Resume. Opposing her is someone who’s not just a closet racist and xenophobe, but you can add a Misogynist and a Psychopath, who has an ongoing “Awesome” bromance with Vladimir Putin over the US. He’s also willing to use the Red Button as his newest play toy!…oh! and who carries absolutely no experience whatsoever in Domestic Affairs or in the Foreign Affairs Political Theater. I wonder what War and prohibitive costs will Trump incur America with his reward?…and this child-lunatic really does like to push Buttons! What will your conscience say then?…oops?

Rigged or not rigged, the Reality of the matter? No! no! no! you can’t rig a Nationwide Election! Only 31 cases of “possible”…just possible…election fraud were found, out of 4 Billion Votes cast between 2000–2014! Besides, most if not all the States still in play are Red States…so why would they rig the election against themselves??

You truly have just two viable choices to pick from; a dangerous lying demagogue, an amateur politico who wants to destroy women rights, minorities, and immigrants, is anti-veterans, and has a childish penchant for using “The Bomb”. His direct actions are consistent with favoring a restoration of a White Supremacist America within a Ruling Class Society…the American version of Italian Fascism. And that’s no BS!

Or, you have someone with the highest credentials ever presented to the Nation, who will protect our Democracy in every way, shape, and form…whether you like her or not…she ‘will’ protect the threat to our Democracy and to our Constitution from Trump’s very much stated agenda, his radical Pro-Fascist fringe, and all those Non-Educated or Poorly Educated people who the Trumpster dearly loves!



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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