Deconstructing America: USA’s Future & Trumpism
We, the People of the United States Of America are truly living in a state Intellectual Dysfunction. William Gaddis once said: “Stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of Ignorance”.
Cultivating the uneducated, poorly educated and undereducated is not new in Authoritarian regimes…it’s called “Indoctrination” of the masses!…and the younger the better!
Nothing would please Trumpism more than watching a bunch of rotten little Nazis bastards, running around in kindergarten, shouting the Sieg Heil salute to everyone they pass on the streets!
When someone says his goals are to “deconstruct the administrative state”…if you’re one of those “uneducated” or “undereducated” folks beloved so much by this administration, you might say, yeah! it’s time to change the way Washington operates!
Listen up, America! “The Deconstruction of the Administrative State”…no matter how you look at it…it’s the Deconstruction of our Democratic System of Government! our values! our way of life! Plain and simple…the destruction of our Sovereign Democracy!
As the world continues to say, more and more every day; Is the America, who everyone once admired and envied, really that stupid?!?!
Well? yes, we are! Americans want to change Washington with an “outsider”, by electing a man with absolutely no experience whatsoever in the world on Domestic & Foreign Affairs, a renowned Liar, Bigot, and Con Artist…and a well known Fascist, among other things…to run our Country. A man who got compromised hook, line, and sinker by a Foreign Power and now has become their puppet, probably just to stay alive…everyone knows Putin and what he’s capable of doing.
Well, America! you wanted an Outsider? You certainly got what you wished for!
The many critics about our Political System…on both sides of the aisles…will find out soon; With all its problems, our Fragile Democracy is really not all that bad, after all!
At least! you can bitch how bad the System is!!…bitching about it during Heir Drumpf, Heir Bannon, and Comrade Putin’s hostile takeover? If we really believe the Press is our enemy, and the President is the all-wise, all-knowing, enlightened Savior of the Masses?…we deserve what we get! When will ‘they’ come…. knock, knock, knocking at ‘your’ door?
They first came for the Hispanics, those “Bad Hombres” crossing over and bringing in Drugs, Robbing, Raping, and Murdering everyone in America!…then they came for the Muslims because they’re all terrorists committing acts around the country every day! Just look at all those terrible “Terrorist Attacks” in Atlanta, Bowling Green…and even in Sweden?!?! You gotta be careful not to get shot by a fake terrorist!
With all that Fascist horseshit? ignorance will always prevail and follow blindly!…I kid you not!
Now, in Trump’s Fascist America with his Ideology of hate and fear, the American Jewish Community is being targeted and hit hard…Rabbis throughout the Nation are receiving Death threats! Bomb threats at Jewish Community Centers! Jewish Cemeteries are being defaced, Synagogues vandalized with Graffiti drawings of the “Star of David” and the “Nazi Swastika”…will they be the next people “Trumpism” goes after?…or will they come for the African-Americans, or the LGBT Community, first?
Does all of this sound too familiar?? How about Germany, circa 1931–33? Accusing the Jews, for causing all the problems, themselves? It’s called “Scapegoating”, one of Joe Goebbels’ 50something techniques of “Propaganda”.
And now, another act of the Fascist mind; The Idea of separating the Mothers from their Children…deporting the parents out of this country, but keep the children, as an act to deter anyone from trying to come into this Country.
The kids? Place them in an orphanage and indoctrinate them to the Glory of Trumpism!
Where is America’s Voice?…and what Voice? If Americans really believe our Free Press is the Enemy, we will truly be living in a darkness of ignorance, never seen before by this Nation.
Saying you’re the “least” Anti-Semitic Human Being on the face of this Earth, and condemning Anti-Semitism on National TV, just doesn’t cut it!…not! when the real President behind the orange glow Throne, and the Man making our Nation’s decisions, Steve Bannon…by unanimous consent…is the “most” Anti-Semitic and dangerous person in America!!
“Fascism should more properly be called Corporativism, since it is the merger of State and Corporate Power” ~~~ Benito Mussolini
White Nationalist America…under the guidance of Steve Bannon…is ready to built a new Political System, an Oligarch form of Government with One supreme ruler holding absolute power. And the creation of a new “Nationalist World Order”, Sieg Heil!
But to create it, you’re going to have to destroy it first. And in the words of Steve Bannon; “The best Cabinet in the history of Cabinets, they were selected for a reason, and that is ‘Deconstruction’.”
Yes!! The destruction of our American Government and its Constitution, our Democracy, and our Democratic processes, and our cultural and social way of life.
Bannon very openly tells America; We’re gonna destroy the American System, One Cabinet Department at a time, and One Amendment at a Time…but, not before Donald Trump and his Billionaire Cabinet makes a killing out of their respective Depts…and Ft. Knox. First Cabinet Member privately raking big $$$ in big deals with Russia? Good old Rex Tillerson for his old Exxon/Mobil…much like Dick Cheney did for Halliburton…but way much bigger!
All Authoritarians do love to touch, fondle, and remove all the Gold they can swindle the Country’s Treasury out of before they all get run out of town on their golden derrieres.
The battle for the Hearts and Minds of America has begun amid constant chaos, daily scandals, allegations and false claims, lies, fake stories, and more Trump embarrassments throughout the Country and the World.
The Enemy? The Press, the Intelligence Community, half of Washington DC…and the 65,844,610 Americans that believe Heir Führer an Illegitimate President, and just a proxy for Putin.
The Future of America? It’s up to We, the People! Whether you want to face facts or not…the truth? Our Choice is simple; A) Become a Fascist Nation with its suppression and its Draconian Policies…or B) Try to make our Democracy Work. Those are the only real choices we truly have!…Sieg Heil! “Fascism” is winning!