Donald Trump and the Republicans’ End of Times

RF Schatten
4 min readAug 15, 2016


“Criticism, Ridicule, and Sarcasm, merely stating an alternative point of view to the orthodoxy, can be interpreted as Insult.” ~~~ Rowan Atkinson

Insults are part of life for Donald J. Trump, so why should running for President of the United States make any difference for someone who’s totally indifferent towards the rest of society?
Why is Trump doing so badly with Republicans? There’s just so much someone is willing to put up, whether you agree with Trump or not…when a person’s character, morals, and decency is attacked as an insult to their intelligence…is time to face the truth, and reject their Party’s nominee.

It was the GOP leadership, with those great minds in the RNC, that allowed this early form of Primate to run as a Republican…they could’ve booted him out for the insults, the total lack of respect and the foul language he’s used on all his fellow Republicans…they could’ve thrown him out! but to keep the Trumpster around and have all Dumbos unite behind their new titular leader?!?!

You just can’t ridicule someone one day, accuse Him or Her of something, and follow up and say it was just Sarcasm!…then, the following day ridicule and attack the person again! and say the “Sarcasm” he stated the day before was just more of his horseshit? He really did mean those remarks on his opponents, and even more disgraceful…remarks about the President of the United States!…Morality, Grace, and Humility are definitely not in the Trump Family Book of Values!

The fulcrum of the 2016 Elections has tilted towards the Democrats…and with 80something days remaining?…Republicans have no other option than to ride it out, and try to reassemble what’s left of the Party post-Election.
Will GOP become a party that accepts all minorities and all ethnic groups? A Political Party that has gone out of their way to accept White Supremacy and Fascism within their own ranks, and with a Republican Leader that panders his demagoguery, specifically to this crowd’s DNA?
The GOP blew it! and the Party of Lincoln is now the Party of Trump, a sociopath…with David Duke, Sheriff Joe, and every Racist and Bigot that fits their Lilly White Evangelical batshit mold within ‘their’ own visions of a perfect master race!

Never in our lifetime have anyone seen our Democratic process, regress in the form the Republican Party has undertaken…respect and decorum?…political correctness within the Dumbos has given way to name calling and ridicule. So many hypocritical degenerates, all showing their true colors!…many for the 1st time!…yet, all exploited by a con-artist extraordinaire, a true evil of a Sociopath in all his glory.
And after 8 years of batshit politics by the Right Side of the Aisles, they still just don’t get it!…now, the reality of a broken down, once proud Political Party is beginning to sink in…the demise as the Grand Old Party, is dangerously near!

Every single day you have another group of Republicans requesting the GOP to throw Trump out of the Party. 50 GOP Women Activists working with Democratic Women Activists, for the sole purpose of negating Trump the Presidency. A group of 70 former National Security Advisors…both Dems and Dumbos… CIA Directors, Military Generals, and Professional Foreign Relation experts asking the GOP to remove Trump for his total incompetence and his complete lack of understanding on governing Domestic and Foreign Affairs!

The Danger of the Trumpster? There’s a reason why every day more Republican Allies and Dignitaries, Former Presidents, US Senators, Economists, and especially GOP House members, are all throwing their support and endorsements to their Democratic Challenger!

Voting your conscience? Those Dumbos rejecting Trump know how dangerous this man is…and will vote with the Donkeys in 2016. Voting your conscience doesn’t win elections, ever! And the danger is greater than any other opponent might be.

“A sarcastic person has a superiority complex that can be cured only by the honesty of humility” ~~~ Lawrence G. Lovasik
The demise of the Republican Party of Lincoln rests on the continuation of the Lies and “Sarcasm”, the Trumpster likes to spew out…is it truly just sarcasm? or is his insulting rhetoric real? With all the traits of a certifiable sociopath?…yea! Trump’s insulting rhetoric is very much real! A shallow and thin skinned narcissist…his superiority complex will never be cured by Humility…honesty and morality do not run through Donald Trump’s veins or soul.

As of this moment, Trump plans to continue his Presidential run till he’s defeated in November, then blame Clinton for rigging an entire national landslide election against him…a case that’s becoming quite clear, as Pollsters begin to agree more and more with each other, and a Landslide in the making that appears to sweep the GOP’s House and Senate majorities. In Mitch McConnell’s very own words; “A Republican Senate appears very dicey this November”!

Why will the GOP lose? today’s Republicans have no viable imagination on running a National Election! and Trump’s simple-minded bombastic insinuations, along with his continued Hate-filled Rhetoric, Disrespect, and Mockery of others, makes the Trump candidacy an aberration in political theatrics…but at least he’s ‘consistent’ with all his now-famous horseshit tales, especially when addressing his sub-par IQ flock of ‘uneducated’ followers!! Ahhyup! in the words of Oscar Wilde; “Consistency is the last Refuge of the Unimaginative.”



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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