Hear Them Roar!…Women’s March trumps Inauguration

RF Schatten
6 min readJan 25, 2017


“Women, if the Soul of the Nation is to be saved, ‘you’ must become its Soul” ~~~ Coretta Scott King

Ever since God created Woman, Man has had the notion that the Male of the species…because of their natural physical strength…is a far superior being than the Female. Ever since the days of the Caveman with his handy club…Man, in all of his Machismo…has tried to maintain dominance over women. Throughout the ages, Male Chauvinism has ruled every aspect of Society in this World.

But as we continuously evolve as a Society, while some Men still have their heads stuck up those “Caves”, or more likely in the Gutter…it’s been the Woman in the forefront of Progress the last 218 years or so. Women, who have championed the righteous fights for Civil Liberties, Social Change, and Social Justice.

The Women’s March on Versailles…October 5th, 1789…was the defining moment of the French Revolution, when 7,000+ “Angry Women” packed with Pitchforks and Muskets, marched to the Palace of Versailles and said to Louis & Marie; Guess who’s going to eat Cake, now?…Monsieur Guillotine will even “Slice” it for ya!

In 1903, Mary Harris (Mother) Jones made America aware of the plight of Children, working under Draconian conditions…by taking kids out from their factories and having them parade in mass demonstrations. The Demonstrations eventually lead to America’s Child Labor Laws!

The late 19th and early 20th Century saw political actions by the Suffragist Movement. Frustrated with the Abolitionists, they began mass demonstrations in 1911, demanding Women’s Right to Vote. In 1916 and 1917, Suffragists picketed the White House and 218 women were arrested and brutally beaten by Jailhouse Guards. Results of those actions after the public outrage? The 19th Amendment was created…guaranteeing Women, the Right to Vote!

In 1914 and 1915, Lucy Parsons led mass Demonstrations in San Francisco and Chicago over the concerns of the Unemployed and the Homeless. In 1917, 15,000 marched in New York City. The issue of the Protests? Racial Discrimination and Lynching.

And in the 1960s, the “Independence” of the American Woman roared into the public’s eye. Thanks to women activists like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. And ladies in Washington who made their voices heard, like Bella Abzug, Margaret Chase Smith, and Shirley Chisholm…whether they’re liked or not…these women were largely responsible for the changes in the general perception and attitude about the “Weaker Sex”!

The American Woman is not June Cleaver, anymore! She’s now bright, intelligent, and well versed in the use of Education and Communication. A person who is totally qualified in every way, shape, and form possible to run a Corporation. Many are there, now! but the Male Chauvinist Status Quo will continue…like always…to impede the progress women make!!

Now, we have another Historic March…probably, the most Dramatically Historic March in American History…if not, the most historic in World History!

It was a show to end all shows…even Donald Trump’s attempt to upstage the March failed miserably with his “Breaking News” appearance in Langley, Virginia. After his schpiel at the CIA…he was cut off, right back to the broadcast of the March.

His 1st 2 Days as President hasn’t gone too well. 2 straight days of mediocre ratings…but, worst of all?…being upstaged by Women!!

Women!…lots and lots of angry “Nasty” women, protesting their Equal Rights, their Human Rights, Reproductive Rights, their Rights to proper Health Care, and their Rights to protection from Pu**y Grabbing Misogynist Bullies, Sexual Predators, and Rapists.

But the day wasn’t just about women issues; Immigration Reform, Racial Discrimination, Voter Rights, Civil Rights, Obamacare, Education, the Environment, whatever else…

No one has ever said Women cannot inspire!…the respect for their causes has brought out the Men, the Gay community, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, the Young, and the Elderly…and because of their continuously determined fight for Social Justice?…they were joined by the Rest of the World!

Almost 500,000 in Washington DC…determined by Crowd Scientists, Marcel Altenburg and Keith Still…as 3x the size of the Inauguration. Of course, with the Word “Science” attached…Trump and Republican Circles will dismiss it as Lies and Fake News…like the proof of the pudding Photographs of the Crowds with Obama and with Trump, side by side, and the Film showing the empty stands during the parade…with more cops lined up on one side of the barriers, than people sitting in the stands. Next horseshit Tale?? They were Photoshopped!…just tell them the “Alternative Truth”!…their minions will believe that, too!

There was at least one March in every of the 50 States. Cities and Towns throughout the Country, of every size…from 30, 50, 100 people to thousands… 400,000+ in New York City, 750,000 in Los Angeles, 250,000 in San Francisco, 100,000 next door in Oakland, and 20,000 in Sacramento, and 50,000 in San Diego.

In the Heart of Dixie, Birmingham Alabama 10,000! Then you got 250,000 in Chicago, 100,000 in Portland, and so forth…an entire Country voicing their displeasure for a man, who most consider an illegitimate President.

The Facts: Let’s just say that over 2 Million people Marched throughout the United States…while the Trump Inauguration couldn’t even give away tickets…for free!! and couldn’t even fill an NFL standardized size Stadium.

Millions!! Amazingly the March continued throughout the World…whether from concerns about a Trump Administration, concerned about the issues, or in support of their sisters and brothers in America…their voices also roared! 100,000 in London, with Marches in Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Athens, Tokyo…and in countries as far as Australia and New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, India, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, and much more!

It must be hard for someone to know, millions and millions of people throughout the world and millions in his own country believe he’s a totally unqualified piece of excrement who only cares about #1 Anyone else, would be embarrassed and ashamed of himself for all his actions…President Trumpster, being the indecent human being that he is…could care less what anyone’s causes or problems are.

For the next 4 years, the problems within America and our problems outside our shores will be under the guidance of this Country’s “Second Banana”. While Trump tries to act important…the real importance in his life is to rip off this country for as much as he can get. A man who believes…yes! Believes!…that “To the Victors, goes the Spoils”. Donald Trump essentially said; he finds no problem with “Stealing” another Country’s Oil! That’s an International War Crime! But, for a man with no Morals and even lesser Values? It’s all about $$$$ and how much he can make around the world before he gets booted out or ends up in Jail!!

What the general consensus rapidly considers as the Largest & Greatest Protest March in History, it shows what the Power of Women can achieve…combined with Activists with the same Ideals, and people in general who truly and passionately cares. Trump may not care about those women, or their cause…but to mainstream Republicans? It’s destroying their ulcers!

Women, Men, Children, the Old, the Young, the Blacks, and the Whites…a truly united Global Gathering…because, our problems are their problems, their plight for Social Justice is our plight for Social Justice! It was a total Global effort beyond any description, whatsoever.

When you have Millions of Women, joined by millions more who supports them and want to vent ‘their’ own anger! When you see the masses of People…millions in the United States, and millions more throughout the entire World…even in Antarctica!!

When you see a World Protest of this magnitude aimed at Donald Trump, his personal Character flaws, his lack of political understanding, his Policies, and the GOP?

When you see all of that…you’ll understand the seriousness of the issue at hand, the political dangers of the situation, and the dire consequences.

A problem that will need immediate attention. But in the world of “Alternative Facts”? Does the Trumpster understand?…or even care?

The Success of the 2017 Women’s March on Washington, showed something that President P**sy Grabber will never ever understand!…but, it sure frightens the living hell out of Republicans!



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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