Just the Facts, ma’am…please, no “Alternative Facts”

RF Schatten
4 min readFeb 1, 2017


You Insult the intelligence of the American Public! and then you have the Public agree with ya?? Because Trump sure did insult everyone!!…and still, the public sure elected him!!

The Alternative Facts! It’s hard for Trump’s minions to accept the ‘real facts’ about someone, when that person lifted the burden for all Closet Racism, liberated the foul mouth open racist out from his cave, and lifted hate and prejudice to the forefront of today’s deteriorating America!

Frustrated by the multiculturalism of American Society…these sub-humanoids that call themselves, true Trump Supporters, prefer the Lies and remain the Status Quo, rather than move forward with their lives and progress as a more Perfect Union.

Unlike other Elections, it wasn’t so much about the Economy, because the GOP’s traditional Strength was taken by Obama…so they resorted to their Batshit politics, wondered into the Extreme Right Wing’s White Nationalist Agenda and their politics of Hate, Lies, and Fear…along with their new found love for public Disrespect and Vulgarity…Racism and Bigotry are paramount in their everyday lives! Fascism? Wunderbar!!

Mexicans are Rapists and Criminals? Said by the man who’s raping the living hell out of this Country right now…besides his ex, Ivanna, and the scores of women he’s molested through the years…raping the core values of our fragile Democracy, from respect and decorum to public insults and vulgarity. Criminals? They’ll rape this Nation out of every penny they can pillage out of Ft. Knox before they’re run out of office…or go to jail!

Mexicans are Rapist and Criminals just like Hillary Clinton rigged the election!…nice lines by a Demagogue, as he spews his horseshit to the masses…while quietly backstage, he’s doing exactly what he accuses others of doing!

It’s the old practice of keeping your audience guessing if it’s a “Fact or an “Alternative Fact”…and keep them distracted with Lies and Innuendos, while you rob them blind!

It’s the typical hypocrisy of degenerates, the lure of an Indecent Act, or Indecency in general, is just too much to resist for these scumbags.

The total disrespect of the American Public, the Kleptocracy of the Trump Administration: Corruption, Black Mail, Money Laundering, Graft…a Billionaire and his Billionaire Cabinet, greasing their palms and stuffing their pants with all the dirty money they want, and then some!

Openly applauding the use of Torture? disavowing the Geneva Convention Rules? believing that “To the Victors goes the Spoils”? Trump openly approves the Pillage and Plunder of a Sovereign Nation…in this case, it’s the Oil!…even if it’s considered a Criminal Offense to steal or remove anything from another Country; before, during, or after the end of a War. It’s still a “War Crime” under International Law.

And the GOP’s spineless reaction? Whatever happens? These true cowards just don’t give a damn!…as long as they control the White House!

What we’re watching is a type of insulting “Deliberate” Ignorance…currently being played out by the GOP…never, seen before in the annals of American Politics.

What language or sign language does it take, to make someone understand that Evolution in all forms, is inevitable?…Good or bad, whether you want to or not…it’s inevitable! No matter what happens, the world is going to continue on its merry way…with you or without you!!

It’s what we do along our journey, that determines our personal future….but, the rest of this world? It’ll still continue to Evolve!

So, to all Anti-Trump Republicans and Democratic Losers in 2016: Suck it up and live with it! Stop whining cause “yesterday” will never come!…want to make a difference? Resist!…the silent revolution of peaceful resistance, has worked in the past! Do something…Resist, become a Social Activist (for whichever side you want!), and make the world aware of ‘your’ Cause!…or, just continue your whining.

Do something!…anything!…but, make your voice heard! Think about it! In today’s political atmosphere, you just might not have another chance?!?!

Politics today is a Tug of War being played out for the Hearts and Minds of the American People! A fight between the forces of Civility, Morals, Respect, and Education versus the forces of Incivility, Immorality, Dis-respectfulness, and absolute sheer total Ignorance.

The Fall of Rome was a Cultural Transformation. Like Rome, America is in the midst of its own Multi-Cultural Transformation.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it took much more than 50–60 years for it to Fall…America has been around for 241 years, already! And as our days pass, with the most blatantly open corrupt Government in US History?…the Fall of American Democracy and the rise of Fascism, appears closer and closer.

The Open Corruption, the Lies and the Deceits, the Decadency in the $$$ running this Government, their Disrespect, and their Immorality…an Administration that openly promotes the use of decadent Vulgarity, and Lies as the norm in our American Culture?…in the words of Greg Popovich; “We are Rome”!



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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