Resign, Impeached, Go to Jail, or what’s behind Door 4

RF Schatten
9 min readMay 18, 2017


The Trump Administration has been officially in a state of chaos since, Jan. 20th, 2017!…and the hits just keep on coming!

When the final 3 alternatives for Donald Trump are option 1) Resign 2) Get Impeached 3) Go Directly to Jail…The Trumpster will go for what’s behind Door 4! A coup of our Democracy!
In the case of Impeachment? Scene 1 Act 1: Declare Marshall Law, and suspend all elections (cause they are all rigged!) Then shut the “American Free Press”, cause they’re just Fake News and the enemy of Donald Trump…thus, the enemy of the State…and the enemy of the American People!

A Coup? Yes! more and more serious academics and politicos…including Yale University History Professor Timothy Snyder…are coming up with the same conclusion! If push comes to shove…in lieu of being Exposed or Impeached, a thin-skinned Donald Trump, in all his Trump fashion will attempt a “Putsch”! Most likely with the assistance of his ‘Beer Hall’ buddy Steve Bannon, coordinating things. But, like his Presidency…they ‘all’ expect he’ll fail miserably!

Trump’s assault on the 1st Amendment. Trump and Bannon’s intention of removing piece by piece the 1st Amendment from American History: Freedom of the Press, and the Freedom of Speech & Expression…and he’s already doing it!…by alienating our Free Press both literally, and alienating it from the Public. A systematic policy of False Information and blaming the “Fake News”…making it that more and more people everyday question’s the Press!

Trumpism’s deep hostility on the Press is not something new. As a child, he would not tolerate being criticized or mocked. As an Adult, Money Lawyers and lots of Money silenced his critics and his accusers. And now as King Pussy Grabber with absolute Power? Wanting to tear apart US Libel Laws to intimidate the press, cutting the press off, thoughts of eliminating Press Briefings, and forbidding coverage of Presidential Meetings inside the White House with Russian Ministers and Ambassadors…who are usually not supposed to be there, cause they’re also infamously, Foreign Intelligence Officers!

Lesson One in “Politics 101 for Dummies”; It’s not nice or politically wise to ever alienate your own Press, not when they can come back to haunt you some day with a swift kick of criminal exposure on your Prussian-Scottish arse! Oh, Donny!…Karma sure is a Bitch!

So! A White House meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, every Trump Administrators’ best friend, the widely popular Russian Ambassador Sergei Kyslyak, and King Donald excluded the American Press…but the Orange Puppet, invited the Russian Press to join in the talks! Only hours after firing Jim Comey for investigating Him and Putin!
WTF?? What an insulting slap in the Face to all Americans by Donald Trump!! A President who favors America’s longtime natural enemy, its Leader, and its ‘State’ Press, over his own Country?…anyway you cut it…Trump’s a F**cking Traitor!!

And what did Trump and McMaster show the Russians? Deeply word coded, “Classified” intelligence information to the Russians at the Oval Office. Official WH horseshit tale? First Trump & McMaster denied it, then a couple of days later, they both admitted it. Interesting! Then, you wonder why the American Press was kept out?!?!
McMaster says it was perfectly correct to show the Russians the info. NO!!!! you don’t show your longtime adversary or anyone else, the United States’ most deeply held Secret Intelligence Information…it’s called TREASON!…Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were guilty cause they sold Secrets. Trump & McMasters…they sold an entire Nation out! And despicable sold out the “Source of the Info”, and the town where his cover is deeply infiltrated!! No lethal injection for the Trumpster…a “Gold” Electric Chair, with the ghosts of Julius and Ethel witnessing the end of a True Traitor!

Of course, next step for the Glory of Fascism is canceling Free Elections…it’s hard to have Free Elections when everyone hates your guts! And now he’s trying to convince his Kool-Aid Minions that Elections cause wide-spread fraud and crime…so it would be better just to eliminate them, altogether! And if that doesn’t work? Burn the Americans’ “Reichstag”…’that’ psychology worked for Germany!

How ironic that comedians all joked about 2016 being “Our Last Election” and the end of Democracy!
Trumpism’s continuous public attacks on Judges who don’t agree with his views? Yes! they too are very seriously real! And his ideas of reforming the Judicial System to conform to and execute the Trumpster’s Policies and Orders…or else? Echoes of those days, 1945–1949 Nuremberg, and its hangings!…especially the Judiciary ones.

The Trumpster’s lack of humor and his disdain for Comics…cause they hurt the poor baby’s little feelings is more than obvious. Prosecute Comedians? For exercising their constitutional right of Free Speech & Expression to critically make lewd jokes?…while hypocritically making his own embarrassing, and now historically lewd comments all his life, along with all his despicable actions to probably everyone in this Country, and don’t forget his disrespectful manners towards Vets…and really…towards everyone else! And never ever! forget his repulsive acts of mocking disabled people!

The problem? This thin-skinned narcissist is a 70yrs. old spoiled cry baby, who has temper tantrums if anyone, ever dares to make fun of him or criticize him!
Donny! Donny! Donny! Hey, listen bubeleh! Grow up, learn a little, put up with it, shut up, and just live Life before your Blood Pressure kills ya!…you sure do like sh*t! Listen, Don! Don’t tell anyone…being criticized by the entire world, goes with the job!…it’s that part of politics where a man’s real character shows who’s a real leader, and who’s just a real wannabee! So, you wanted to be President??…surprise!!!

And the Republican Party? An absolutely successful Castration procedure by Trump and his Goons…almost unanimously partisan, they all march to beat of Trumpism with the complete lack of “Cojones” to stand, pull up their pants, zip them, and tell Trump their bromance is over…and it’s time recover their Party and the dignity of their Souls!
Every single one of these spineless cowards, refuse to attend their respective community’s continually angrier and rowdier Town Hall Meetings, cause they’re screwing America for the Big Money, behind Door number 4!…and not a single one, is Macho enough to tell it to their faces!! Like their Grand Supreme Coward…sink America 1st and grab what you can, before you’re out too!
Big Shame! on the American Public to permit all of this! These “Civil Servants” are all degenerates that know exactly what would happen if that Air of Authoritarian Living settles down over this Nation…yet, they don’t give a f**k!

Trump, Russia, Flynn, & Cover-ups
“You can’t put in the fix by removing somebody”! John Dean knows a little bit about Scandals, Cover-ups, and Prison…18 months’ worth! Take his word, America…he knows better about Presidential Politics and the Law than most other people around;
“The firing raised so many questions. How can you conclude anything but that Trump knows he’s got problems? … Every move they make keeps signaling ‘coverup’…if they think they can influence the Russian investigation by removing Comey, they are naïve. I learned from my own experience that you can’t put in the fix by removing somebody.”

A Trump/Russia Investigation that every time someone opens his or her mouth, another Trump associate is connected to this whole mess. It’s amazing how popular the Russian Ambassador is!…and how many people connected with The Family Trump, the Trump Corp, the Trump Campaign, the Trump Administration and all its Cabinet, Trump Business Associates, and even personal friends, knows this guy! Coincidence?
Coincidences? when it’s not just the Ambassador, but Russian Mobsters, Russian Bankers, Russian Business Developers, other assorted Ministers and other Russian Government Officials…including their ever present Russian “Attaches” (AKA) — Intel Agents. Every one of these Russians has had more than a casual personal contact or connections with about almost everyone ever connected to Donald Trump!…in one way or another! That’s one giant “Awesome” load of trash to convict for Treason!

So many Treasonous Acts by so many Trumpsters…using a new Scandal to Cover-up an older one, is just not going to work…it’ll just be another addendum to the heap of insane actions. So, it all goes back to the Trump/Russian Investigation!…and you got to start with the star attraction…Michael Flynn, and his refusal to talk or deliver his documents unless he gets a plea bargain. No problem, Mike! A Congressional subpoena for the Documents has been issued, and another one for you to testify! This tale of unraveling events is becoming quite interesting…add James Comey into this mix and expect fireworks! He’s testifying again, and this time in “Closed Hearing”…certainly, classified info is going to be passed around! Sooner or later, the scandal is going to erupt like a Volcano and burn a lot of Republicans…even more, than it already has…in Capital Hill! Comey? he’s demanding one final Testimony…in Public, in front of the Senate Committee.

In today’s world, people don’t need to read much to see what is happening, nothing is truer than natural human emotions…and body language doesn’t lie! TV screens don’t lie!! The Truth is right in front of you, and you just can’t hide from it, anymore!!
All of Trump’s own Conflicts of Interests are a mere speck, compared to this Criminal Act of Conflict of Interest: A President under criminal investigation, firing the Man who is Investigating him and the Russians? Then a Criminal Act of Treason…inviting the Russian Officials to the WH, kicking the American Press out, and showing the Russkies ultra-sensitive Classified Info???
No imbecilic horseshit tale of how Comey hurt his poor friend, Crooked Hillary, with that fake email scandal…days before the Election, and no tales of how Legal is the treasonous act of showing Highly Sensitive US Intelligence to a Foreign Government that’s not even one of our Allies!…but, our Adversaries!!!

You can’t hide the cover-up of Russian assistance and interference in his narrow win, anymore! Confirmed evidence suggests the Russian Government ‘was’ actively involved in helping Trump by a massive systematic plan of discrediting Clinton, and other types of hackings directly affecting the Election…also, the amount of Rouble Invested on their Puppet, circulated via Slush Funds and the final Money Laundering involving Trump, Russian Bankers, Putin, and Deutsche Bank in Germany!
And, are still actively Involved in destabilizing our American Democracy, throughout the Country!

Changing his own story from Sessions’ Recommendation…which would be considered a criminal act for violating his recusal…to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s Advice to fire Comey. Now, that Rosenstein threatened to resign if accused of that Lie, Trump recanted that tale and changed his story all together…again!
Now? he was going to eventually fire Comey, regardless of anyone’s recommendation!…really?
Strong Warnings from Barack Obama, when Obama and Trump met at the White House following the Elections. And from Sally Yates, when she brought him all her evidence to the White House…18 days before Trump fired Flynn.

Donald Trump has in his own ingenious way, managed to trap himself in a web where there’s really no way out! What you see is a man desperately trying to hide his actions, his connections, and his timeline, from being exposed for being the person America and the rest of the World already know he really is; A little man-child who’s Vladimir Putin’s Puppet!

“You can’t put in the fix by removing somebody”! The Trumpster’s fatal flaw?…firing people right and left like the Apprentice, all to cover up his lifelong unbelievable knack for corruption! Stupid is as Stupid Does…and the more he screws up, the louder the call for a treasonous Cover-up!
But in the end, it all comes down to the Prosecution and Impeachment processes. If the GOP and the DOJ get their way, and cowardly let it all just fade away? Then, my friends…it’s time to learn the virtues of Fascism and White Nationalism…and seriously become informed of its consequences!

Dear America! Avoid that “Fabulously Awesome” Kool-Aid, our President and his “Beer Hall Putsch” pals are feverishly trying to push the public to swallow!…keep away from the Trump horseshit and its addiction to that Taste of Ignorance! But most important of all…really! more important than anything else!…please! stay away from their revolting and sick Prussian Nazi world of”Schadenfreude”!!
Schadenfreude; “The Pleasure or Self-satisfaction derived from the misfortunes or failures of others”, and “Delighting in other people’s Misfortunes”, is costing this Nation irreparable damage of disrespect from the World, that will not be repaired till way after we’re all gone from this Earth…yet, not too many in this Country ever think about it and/or its implications!

Americans! We’re precisely at the pinnacle of the darkest moment in the 241 years of our extremely fragile Democracy! Resist and Never Surrender to Trumpism’s wave of ignorance!…or accept living an Authoritarian Lifestyle!

Just remember! We, the People are stronger than any major Autocrat or two-bit Dictator could ever be!…if this Nation turns towards Fascism, it’s because ‘we’ allowed it to happen! The fate of this shallow little worm, but, way much more important…the fate of our Nation…is in our hands!!



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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