The Alt-Right’s Whitening of the White House

RF Schatten
5 min readNov 23, 2016


“Forget the Basket. The truly deplorable ones end up in the Cabinet” ~~~ John Dingell

With White Supremacists running around the halls of the White House and parts of the Cabinet, the List of seriously dangerous characters occupying those sensitive positions shows Trump’s famous “Awesome” lack of judgement…and Vladimir Putin’s sly smile of jubilation for his foolish little Puppet!

Looking at this Basket of Deplorables…what the Dictionary defines as: “causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; awful; very bad”…there’s absolutely nothing wrong at all by casting Donald Trump, his Political Inner Circle, and his flock of fanatics, into this ever growing “Basket”.

Now, you can add ‘Perversion’ in the growing List of Presidential Appointment freaks…someone the President-Elect can associate quite well, with…Mike Huckabee, that good Christian Ex-Gov, Pastor, and best buddy of Ted “Cat Scratch Fever” Nugent, an admitted super fan of Pedophilia. Pastor Mike publicly admits; “I wish I pretended to be transgender to shower with girls in High School and feel my feminist side”.
This dirty little High School kid has become a pretty dirty old man! What is it about all these “good” Christian Pastors, Millionaires, and 13–17-year-old girls?…is their attraction the fact they are jail-bait? The power of money, affluence, and intimidation weighs heavily on their side.

With an immoral and indecent White House Staff and Executive Cabinet…the “White House Domestic Staff” is going to have a field day with tons of stuff to write, all the tidbits of gossip about ‘this’ First Family, all in the White House Diary. ‘They’, are the true unspoken heroes who quietly go about their work and have to put up with all the personal garbage of whatever Family moves into the White House!!…oh! and with this prissy Trump Clan? are they gonna miss the days of Barack!…and even the sometimes sweet memories of George Dubya!

The Trump Circle of Usual Suspects and other Living Things that makes up the Trump Executive Cabinet:
You have a certified true loving Nazi Fascist and a well noted Anti-Semitic, in charge of setting up and maintaining the Trump Presidency’s complete political strategy for the next 4 years. Steve Bannon is crazy glued to the Trumpster 24/7 to devilishly whisper his words of wisdom and advice. Yes! advice to a dangerously unprepared foolish man, who is beginning to come out of his trashy campaign trance…and is starting to see the grim reality of an elected Politico, with no idea what to do next!
Former Army Lt. General Mike Flynn, a controversial and rabid Anti-Muslim, Xenophobic, and high maintenance War Hawk, is the President-Elect’s National Security Advisor, just to keep us all safe from terrorists sneaking into the country, breaking into our homes and hiding under our beds.
Remember this name; “Richard Spencer”…he’s the head of the National Policy Institute, a “White Nationalist” Think Tank”…and founder of the Alternate Right Movement. Check out his intimate association with Breitbart’s organization and Bannon, personally.

You have another controversial pick as Attorney General. A man, whom Reagan Senate Republicans blocked from gaining a Federal Judgeship because he was just too Racist for their own taste, and with a bad history when it came to Blacks and Latinos. Alabama Sen. Sam Sessions is going to keep America Safe…and very White. Making sure no blacks…with or without hoodies…walk in a ‘presumed’ white Neighborhood…and make sure Latinos are not hiding from “La Migra” inside anyone’s home. He’s the “Man with the Plan”…who originally wanted to build Trump’s Wall, way back before Trump ever came up with his idiotic plans.
Like the good old 1950s…the “Commie under every bed” scare tactics all over again!…in this scenario, the evil bad guys are switched to Terrorist Muslims, just to keep up with the hate of the times, but still the same BS.
If these people are going to keep us safe? my question is; who’s going to keep us safe from these people??

Others considered or accepted for a Trump Cabinet post, includes EPA: Myron Ebell, a Director of the “industry-funded” Competitive Enterprise Institute. His work has been funded by America’s biggest Industrial Polluters, including Koch Industries. His job is to break up and completely dissolve the Environmental Protection Agency…of which a large substantial Trump promise to deregulate 70%-80% of all American Industrial, Business, and Financial Regulations nationwide will begin.
You have Anti-Science & Climate Change Deniers, all Corporate Polluters, all looking for Sugar Daddy Donald, and be part of the Cabinet.
Dept. of Interior? Whoever, the final pick is…it’s going to be about Corporate Oil and Drilling, Digging, Fracking and selling off America’s public lands to Foreign Interests and/or US Corporations.

Yes! a White House with a cast of characters, directly out of a cheap early 1930s bawdy German porn flick! The old GOP Clown Show has ascended into The GOP Freakshow, ready to challenge “Our Democracy”…Fascists, White Supremacists, Anti-Semitics, Pathological Liars, Perverts, Child Predators, Sexual Deviates, Chauvinists, Sexual Degenerates, Homophobes, Gynephobes, Xenophobes, and Indecent Degenerate Hypocrites…Hate, Prejudice, and Fear is their battle cry! Will our 3 Branches of Government ever be the same again? or better yet…will our Democracy survive?

Pastor Mike’s next gig? Either Head of Homeland Security or US Ambassador to Israel! And speaking of Israel…with a Trump White House full of Neo-Fascist Nazis, Anti-Semitics, and White Supremacist…keeping normal relations with Bebe will take a good Donald Trump Con Job.
Trump’s 2 best friends in the whole wide world of politics…2 people, who are as opposite as oil and vinegar. A Sinister Alliance of Putin, Netanyahu, and Trump?…who will deceive who? and who will back-stab who, first?
Hopping into bed in a political Ménage à Trois with these 2 shrewd evil characters…both, much wiser and much more intelligent than The Donald…can only lead to more trouble for America. But, at 70 years old…Trump has to learn to make his own bed and clean up after himself, as President…just like when he cheats on all his wives!

This Country in all its wisdom, democratically Voted…with deep shame & embarrassment in the World Stage…for a 70-year-old child!!! The future President of the United States of America happens to be totally consumed and guided by his tiny little hands, by his very own Rasputin…a man who publicly compares himself to Satan!
Now, America hangs all the hopes of its 320+ Million inhabitants for the next 4 years on a Psychopath and well noted Pathological Liar…and his very top Guru, who believes he’s Satan, re-born! And most of those who know this man personally, pretty much agree!

Steve Bannon must be passionately obsessed with the folklore; “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist”. And deep inside his own rotten, fat evil soul, he would love to come out of his dark closet and openly tell the Nation; “Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste”!



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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