The Embarrassments of Amateur Statesmanship

RF Schatten
4 min readMar 24, 2017


“For Diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible…and no one can doubt the word of America” ~~~ George W. Bush

You’re right, George! No one would’ve doubted the Word of America!…but, in the age of Trumpism? Our International Credibility is at an all-time Low…like, as in…Zero?!?!

Donald Trump has been a pathological Liar all his life…. It’s not new! The entire world knows the true character of this scumbag, Snake Oil Salesman…from Banks around the World, where he cumulatively owes them, literally, in the $Billions$…to the host of creditors (3,500+ and counting) suing the Trumpster for lack of payment, among other things.

The incredible horseshit that flows out of this man’s mouth is not even credible with the majority of his own aficionados!…only his hardcore of rabid fanatics, afflicted by a very serious case of terminal stupidity…eats up all his shit!

At a time of crisis, when the words of the President of the United States…in front of the entire world…means more than just a Twitter Rant. When our President has to address our Country or even the World on serious and grave matters…he must be believed!!

But, how can someone believe a man, who’s known to continuously lie between every other breath he ever takes? A man whose White House Policies actively promotes the use of Rumors, Misinformation, Fabricated Stories, “Alternative Facts”, Assumptions, and plain blatant Lies…malicious Lies!

And considering his association with the likes of Roger Stone, Kelly Anne Conway, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Master Vlad?…who can believe what Donald Trump ever says??

Not truly able to believe our own President during a World Crisis makes for an extremely dangerous time for this Nation…It makes our Country as vulnerable as it has ever been!

“Emotion is always the enemy of wise Statesmanship” ~~~ Stephen Kinzer

A President with a terrible neurotic behavior, as unprofessional, as psychologically volatile and educationally unfit, as the Orange Führer, is…an Amateur, playing in his own little world of Alternative Reality, but, with a dangerous terrifying agenda!…now is dealing in the real world of Statesmanship and Diplomacy, dealing with Real Players, the Real Pros on the World’s Political Stage!

Now, knowing the shallow transparent character of our President?… how much could you really trust Donald Trump? A sad commentary, but true.

You can forget about the well-being of good Public Relations in this Trump Administration. Their Foreign Policy is not about winning the Hearts and Minds of anyone!…the incredible disrespect for another Sovereign Nation, continues. Now, another ally, Germany! The Rudeness and Disrespectful manners by Trump towards Chancellor Angela Merkel, just shows how Amateurish this US Presidency is under Trump! Hey! what do you really expect? He’s a man with absolutely no character whatsoever, and definitely no class!

He’s an insult to America, and everything it stands for! And such an embarrassment in front of the World, whenever this Clown opens his mouth and pretends to speak!

Diplomacy and Statesmanship are quickly vanishing in the era of Trumpism!…besides, with the cutbacks on State Dept. Personnel, which will place the Embassies at half-staff?…our diplomatic efforts and communication within the Embassies around the world, will be so incapacitated that it can easily become the makings for another extremely dangerous International situation!…yes! They’re the same gang of terminally stupid humanoids that complained about Benghazi and its “Lack of Security”!

There’s a good reason why British Parliament wants to “Ban” Trump from entering the country. It’s pretty bad when the President of the United States is banned from entering England…”Official Business” or Not…and Scotland is not too fond of Trump, either. Whether a Legitimate or Illegitimate President, we’re all stuck with this douchebag, together!…together till We, the People decides when enough is enough and get rid of the Orange Glow that’s making people dumb and dumber, as the days go by!

If the first 60 days, is an example of the next 4 years?!?! Donald J Trump has not shown any sort of Leadership skills, whatsoever in Foreign Policy! His Rudeness and Disrespect towards Leaders of other Nations…and the indifference by which he treats them all. All the traits of your quintessential Psychopath?…yes! There’s no such thing as Statesmanship from this lowly Amateur!

Will he Apologize to Barack Obama? To the British Government? To Germany? To Sweden? How about Australia? And you know, he could care less about Mexico!

The “Macho Bully” inside this creature never, ever Apologizes to anyone in his life! Yet the “Spineless Coward” inside whatever soul remains, is an Apologist extraordinaire for Russia, Russian Intelligence, and Vladimir Putin!…while attacking the integrity of our own American Intelligence Community! Umm!…there’s certainly something wrong with that picture.

It really all comes down to; If there’s an impending World Crisis…first, how can you believe whatever this Puppet says? Second, and much more important…how much can you really Trust Donald Trump with your life?



RF Schatten
RF Schatten

Written by RF Schatten

Ret. Respiratory Therapist, Beatnik by birth & still living a Bohemian life, Thinker, Essayist, Blogger, & Lifelong Pragmatic Progressive/Liberal Activist

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