The Rise of Kleptocracy & the Convenient Lie
Will America allow “President” Donald Trump to lie, at will? There are many things about a Pathological Liar, like the incoming President, who lies 75%-80%+ of the time…and most of the time, you can just let it fly over your head, cause you know the truth and how much horseshit this transparent liar can administer.
But as President of the United States, when giving serious Foreign Policy Speeches…hopefully with a “teleprompter”…if not properly addressed, how do Americans interpret them? How would we know when Trump is lying or when he’s not?
We may have to put up with a lot of his garbage and nonsense for the next 4 years because “We, the People” elected…with all our infinite wisdom…a seriously flawed and incompetent human being, a habitual Liar, a renowned Billionaire con-artist/grifter, and Snake Oil Salesman extraordinaire to lead the entire Free World, all on his promise…”believe me”!
But, how is the rest of the World going interpret his messages? Messages sent out by a very Fascist, very Anti-Semitic, and very White Nationalist Executive Branch, with their systematic agenda of Xenophobia, Fear, and Hate to achieve their goals of a Global White Christian World!
Trump’s agenda? What agenda?? Or did you really believe his Campaign Persona was just an election joke??? This little boy had to be led by his tiny little hands by Barack Obama, and learn what the duties of being the “#1 Guy”, really are!! Right now? The Donald is just Putin’s Puppet Overseas, Steve Bannon’s Puppet on Domestic Affairs, and Reince Priebus’ Puppet for Koch Industry …Trump, of course, is Trump…he’s his own Puppet & Ventriloquist rolled into one, a professional grifter who sold whatever remained in that empty Soul of his, to these 3 true-life Puppet Masters.
“Bullshit” is just the Convenient Lie!…it doesn’t matter whether is true or false, it just achieves its purpose…it gets your attention!!
That’s the danger in America…and for the rest of the world in the foreseeable future. With Respect, Decorum, and Diplomacy being flushed down the Political Toilet…Charlatans and Demagogues have risen up into a stature of social acceptability. In one clean swoop, Donald Trump’s White House will be in the control of the American Neo-Nazi Party & the Ku Klux Klan, along with the John Birch Society!…’that’, with Vladimir Putin’s apparently successful tête-â-tête with the Trumpster, and his positive efforts to co-mingle with Comey and the American FBI? America! we’re in for one long 4 years in our Nation’s 240 years of continuing History!
Today, a small or large Bullshit can be as dangerous as a Blatant Lie…the Lie itself, is much a part of the Art of Propaganda; “Repeat a lie over and over, sooner or later, it will be taken and accepted as the Truth”. Lies are truths needed to be covered up, a Bullshit is just made up babble using facts and fiction to add to the suspense and confusion of “Is it a Lie or is it not?”. Liars are always hiding something…but Bullshit Artists are more dangerous, cause they don’t give a damn whether they’re telling the Truth or Not, and have no remorse of what they say and to whom they say it to. With an elected President, who’s both, medically a Pathological Liar, and a very openly renowned professional Bullshit Artist?…”Kleptocracy” has leased the White House for the next 4 years! Serious trouble is looming in our not too distant future…as Christiane Amanpour said; “It’s a very dangerous world”.
Living in the 21st Century, knowing and understanding this wired up, ever expanding Global Village and its Virtual Society…in which we all live in. Where anyone can find all the information available in our world, he or she would ever want. But like every good that comes into this world…the bad is not too far behind. Social Media is the first truly useful source for Citizen Journalism…it has changed how the world perceives the news…and how Politicos perceive the Internet.
There is nothing wrong with Social Networks, but, if you haven’t done it, yet?…you have to grow up and understand the Internet is not an after work amusement or hobby, anymore…your cyberspace family consists of the ultimate compilation of every Lifestyle, every Race, every Color, every Religion, everyone in the world! Atheists, Fascists, Socialists, Conservatives, Liberals, Mugs, Pugs, Thugs, Nitwits, Half-wits, Dim-wits, Pro-This, Anti-That…yes! if you come up with the greatest most original idea in the history of the universe, you will find someone in the world with the exact same idea, who understands perfectly and agrees with you! That’s the Power of the Internet.
And in Politics, writing stories that favor your candidate or writing one against your opponent, mixing Fact and Fiction may not be new, but it’s the newest genre in political campaign practices…effectively tested out by FoxNews, Breitbart, and Drudge!
It’s really not that hard to have just enough intelligence to know and understand the differences, or find out the truth!…and with this cast of characters right out of Leni Riefenstahl’s 1934 epic classic “Triumph of the Will”?…plain common sense should suffice.
In a world, where using Lies and Bullshit has become the latest technique for politically scamming and exploiting supporters and other voters, the use of Lies, Bullshit, Misinformation, Half-Truths, and Insinuations…are all intertwined with Fact and Fiction. Make political statements confusing enough to make a person not give a damn whether it’s true or false…as long, as Trump said “believe me”…it’s OK!
It’s the undertones of the story and the sound-bytes of Hate and Fear…and its public Reception…what Republicans are really looking for.
Yes, Hillary!! Many never doubted you, and neither did I! You’re right, you were right from the very beginning!…you’ve been right since 1998!…’that’ “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy in America” you warned us about, is upon us. They’re living in a White House controlled by Fascists, Anti-Semites, White Nationalists, Sexual Predators, and with corrupt & greedy Industrialists throwing their money around. The names and addresses of Trump, Bannon, Sessions, Koch, Mad Dog, and Company, have Mailboxes and Personal Servers all reserved for them, along with instructions…”How to Delete Emails…really Fast, for Dummies”.
Why do I feel this event will not be as Traditional? As hard as the Government tries to keep up with tradition, knowing well our future President, and the scores of women who don’t like to be grabbed anywhere without their permission?…you know, they will be heard! In Trump’s words, “An Awesome Event”. The Event? The Inauguration of our 45th President on Jan. 20th…while being Sworn President in ‘front’ of the Capital, where, there’s no doubt protesters will make their presence seen in front of the world…at the same time , One Million Women will show their Constitutional Rights of Disapproval, Descent, & Free Speech in a little demonstration in the ‘back’ of the Capitol! at the Lincoln Memorial.
Which leads me back to the original question; Will America allow President Donald Trump to lie at will throughout his Presidency? And now, with the swift rise of Kleptocracy in the White House?
Allow Trump to lie at will? Yes? No?…umm! it’s going to be extremely interesting to see what happens when his “political honeymoon” with whoever voted for him in America, comes to a realistic crashing end…when the Trump Family Reality Show becomes a ratings’ bust! And when the audience starts to demand a cancellation of his Presidency, in 2 words…You’re Fired!!