The Transparency of a Profane Man
“There has never been a President that’s been more Transparent than Me or the Trump Administration.”
From Honest Abe to Dishonest Don…Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “Most Transparent President in US History” wants to invoke “Executive Privilege” to everyone working in the White House and his entire administration, past or present…if he could.
One very notable “Transparency” is his total incompetence as “Leader of the Free World”, his total lack of political & social skills, lack of a ‘real’ education, and the lack of any knowledge of the Rule of Law.
The “Great Dealmaker” can’t even make the ‘Art of the Deal’ that favors the United States rather than his pocketbook! The case of Otto Warmbier; The United States Policy has always been no negotiations with Terrorists or Foreign Nations holding Americans, hostage …the United States does not pay Ransom!!!
Trump took all the credit & the bows for the State Department’s negotiations with North Korea in the release of Otto Warmbier. Again, the results of those negotiations were really never made too “Public”, not until hiding Trump’s Transparency all blew-up in his orange face…ironically, coincidence or not, around the same time Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin met in Russia for the first time.
Yes! North Korea insisted the US agree to pay $2 Million in “Medical costs” in 2017 before it released Warmbier!…it’s what the US Government doesn’t want the Country to know. Where was the Transparency on this deal?!?!
Intelligence expert, Dr, Anil Kumar Sinha said about Transparency; “The risks associated with the lack of transparency is confusion, lack of confidence, lack of credibility, inviting corruption & controversy”.
The current US Administration thrives on Government secrecy & Constitutional Crisis…Sunshine Laws are irrelevant in this White House, in the Cabinet by the swamp, and in the Republican Party, itself. The overwhelming hypocrisy of being so righteous trying & trying to expose others…but when it comes to exposing one of their own, suddenly, it’s nobody’s business what they do?
Could Bill Barr and the Dept of Justice intervene? Why would they? …when Barr’s refusal to recuse himself for conflicts of interests (His Law Firm represents Russia’s Alfa Bank) makes him another accomplice with yet, more Russian connections?
The Sunlight Foundation is a group of non-partisan & non-profit advocates for Open Government. They track non-transparency in the US Government… and these are just a few incidences, word for word from their Website.
1) Trump set a bar as the least transparent modern presidential candidate in modern history. He held no press conference from July 2016 until January 11, 2017, released no tax returns, and made no proactive disclosures around transition or inauguration. He held his first and only solo presidential press conference on February 16, 2017.
2) Lack of disclosure of tax returns and divestment in accordance with decades of tradition set up the Trump presidency for the ongoing appearance of corruption, with an unknown number of conflicts of interest around the world.
3) No disclosure of Trump campaign official contacts with Russian nationals until after journalists reported them. No public address to the American public by the President explaining what Russia did, why the candidate urged Russia to find his political opponent’s email, or what the United States would do in response.
4) Keeping the White House visitor logs secret. [also, keeping Mar-a-Lago guest & visitor logs secret].
5) Secret gag orders to agencies.
6) No US chief technology officer, nor any evidence of plans for one, along with hundreds of key appointees not submitted to the Senate, including the U.S. chief information officer, chief science advisor and dozens of other science and technology policy roles.
7) White was missing policy documents, at launch. Executive orders posted late. No OIRA website or dedicated OMB website or pages.
8) Moved drones used in counter-terrorism back to CIA, away from Accountability and Transparency at Department of Defense
9) Historic attacks on the role of the Free Press in Democracy, with exclusion of American Press on trips abroad.
10) No public statements on the Freedom of Information Act, open government, open data, transparency, nor this year’s Sunshine Week.
Blatant Lies, Untruths, the Deceptions, the Falsehood…and the ultimate Cover-up. It’s the way of life in today’s White House.
When Trump was interviewed by the New York Times he lied or said things untrue every 75 seconds! How many Lies? We have reached the 10,000 mark & counting by the minute!…at last count it was over 10,300 in 839 days.
Before & After the Primaries, and leading up to the General Elections, Lies were flying right and left with over 400 Lies! In the first 100 days he averaged 5 lies per day. He averaged 5.5 lies/day in 2017, increased it to 15/day in 2018, increased it again to 22/day in 2019. In total, he’s been averaging 23–25 lies/day since becoming President.
Since Mueller’s ‘redacted’ Report went Public, he’s gone through 150 lies in a month! There are also times he goes a bit overboard, like at a recent rally in Wisconsin where there were 61 false claims in less than 2 hours! Another 83 on another day, and once he had 171 Lies in 3 days, alone!
Also, He’s Lied over 2217 times at MAGA rallies, over 1,000 times in Speeches, and over 2,000 times on Twitter!
Now, the Transparency of this “most transparent” man has joined forces with the transparency of his new “protector & fixer”. Yes! the ghost of Roy Cohn lives on! …he lives inside the similarly degenerate & unscrupulous body of Bill Barr. This man is reeaaalllly showing the inconvenient truth about a US Administration that most people in America & in the World feel embarrassed about and more threatening by the day!
Right after his “I’m the most transparent” bullshit schpiel...Trump decided to invoke “Executive Privilege” to the entire Report and to the White House, US Administration, & the Dept of Justice…not to cooperate with Congress! He will fight all subpoenas to testify, all subpoenas for the request of documents, and is trying to prohibit…even going to Court as many times as he can to block everyone individually at the WH, Adm, & the DOJ from ever testifying…especially Don McGahn! Well? So much for Lying Don’s real frickin’ Transparency!
Obstructing Justice to preserve their Transparency!
The matter with William Barr is simple! He recommended the Administration to “obstruct justice” during the Reagan/Bush Iran/Contra days and recommended “Pardons” for such despicable human beings as Oliver North.
Now, Barr apparently believes that Trump’s Above the Law and has the right to Obstruct Justice and keep the Truth from the American People…literally instructing witnesses like Don McGhan to Break the Law!
His plans for being Heir Drumpf’s Mob Consigliere is far more important for his own interests…and Russia’s Alfa Bank… than protecting America’s Interest in the Rule of Law.
There has never been a President that’s been more Transparent than Me?
Yes! the most transparent man in History is trying to Obstruct Justice by claiming he was exonerated of Obstruction of Justice!
Forget beating Trump in 2020…now that America knows the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth about this Transparent man…what will Americans do to stop him? What will Americans do? …before he orders Martial Law, cancels Elections, and declares he’s giving himself the 2 years he claims were stolen from him?
Donald Trump’s life has been one cover-up after another. Having everyone that’s ever dealt with him in any which way whatsoever! …in any way, throughout his entire life, sign Non-Disclosure Agreements! For every shady deal, he’s ever made…you never get a straight answer. His personal life has been years and years of secrecy…the Tax Returns are just one example…and now, that the world officially knows that he’s a $1.17 Billion Loser?!?!
One can truly say; Donald Trump is “The Great Pretender …pretending he’s doing well”! Yes, America! …”Too real is this feeling of make-believe”!